Sunday, June 9, 2013

Loganville Town Green Pavilion

Loganville Town Green Pavilion
According to Mike Jones:
"On Thursday, 5/9/13 the City Council approved the contract for construction of our new pavilion downtown.  We have also decided to name it after former Mayor Ray Nunally. The package was ordered on Friday 5/10/10 and should be here in two or three weeks.   It will take about 3 weeks to construct. All the infrastructure has been completed, (utilities, sprinkler, cables, etc.). Once the building is finished, down goes the sod and we are ready. Completion date is no later than 6/28/13 with dedication on 7/4/13.    
We have some big plans for downtown, including movies, concerts, shops and restaurants. I can say that I am real proud of our Mayor and Council. We are working together and pulling in the same direction. It take this to get things done. Keep encouraging us and volunteer when you see a need."

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